Neil walked 1000 kilometres from Ballarat to Sydney, 1 Aug-10 Sep

22 women walked 640 kilometres from Melbourne to Canberra, 22 Sep-18 Oct Photo @Barat Ali Batoor

15 women walked 300 kilometres from Sydney to Canberra, 31 Oct-1 Nov 

In 2023, refugees and asylum seekers walked and cycled thousands of kilometres to Sydney and Canberra to share their experiences with Australians.

They battled rain, cold and heat, with blisters on top of blisters. They dealt with being apart from their families, injuries, and snakes.

These men and women were walking on behalf of more than 10,000 others who, like themselves, have been living in Australia and are part of our community.

But they remain in limbo because they do not have permanent visas. This means they are unable to rebuild their lives, to ensure a future for their children and to reunite with family overseas.

You can help change this story.

You can show politicians it is time for change.

Big Walk 4 Refugees is a virtual walk around Australia so that people in all states and territories can show their active support for these 10,000 people to finally be able to call Australia home.

The virtual walk starts in Hobart and circles Australia on its way to Canberra where we will present the results to politicians who can change the rules and provide permanent visas for refugees.

Join the Big Walk and make your steps count! Whether you walk to the shops, go for a morning run, take your dog for a walk, or jump into a group event - every kilometre makes a difference.

Register now and add your steps to the journey to Parliament House, Canberra and permanent visas for all refugees.