Big Walk 4 Refugees logo

Scan the QR code to download the App and sign up (enter bigwalk4refugees when prompted). Or go straight to sign up on the Big Team Challenge website

Let’s get moving for a cause that moves us all 💕

Make your steps count and join us in a virtual walk all the way around Australia!

We’re walking to show support for 10,000 people seeking asylum who are still waiting to call Australia home after more than 10 years.

Every step, pedal, and lap counts.

So add your distances to the Big Walk App and help us reach Canberra by 26 March.

You can walk, run, cycle or swim. You can even dance, row or skip! Just add your distances via the APP or website so that your distances count towards our virtual loop of Australia.

Just get moving!

Team up

Friends, family, workmates or a local group. Get together and get going. Visit resources for Big Walk ideas.

Walking events

Find Big Walks listed on our events calendar. Send your events through and we will add them to the calendar.

Use our activity converter in the app. It all counts.

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